Last updated 27/06/2024

IMLA events

IMLA has hosted an annual dinner since it began operating as a trade body. This has become an established and popular event in the mortgage market calendar and normally takes place in the second or third week of September.

IMLA Annual Dinner 2024

Our Annual Dinner in 2024 will be held on Thursday 12th September at the Marriott Hotel, Duke Street, London W1K 6JP.

For further information on the dinner please contact Danielle Moore at AE3 Media 020 3815 3677 or

IMLA welcomes sponsors for all its events not least because they provide excellent opportunities for firms that wish to showcase their products and services to the intermediary mortgage market. If you wish to explore sponsorship opportunities please contact IMLA’s Executive Director, Kate Davies –

"ExPo" Event for new and recent joiners to the industry

Recently (November 2023 and June 2024) we have held two events aimed at new and recent joiners to our industry – from both lender and intermediary firms. These one-day “ExPos” have provided a high-quality programme of presentations from industry experts on a wide range of subjects affecting the mortgage and housing markets. They also give attendees an excellent opportunity to network with their peers from other firms of all sizes and geographical locations.

We shall be holding a third similar event on 27th November. Registration is essential – and is expected to start from 1st October. Watch this space for further information nearer the time.